Coca-Cola Refreshing Films

Signs of Friendship celebrates the magic of movie theaters as places of belonging and memory-making.

tv spot


Producer/Co-Writer: Adam SheetsDirector/Co-Writer: Destinee Neville 1st AD: Taylor Ballard 2nd AD: Porter Christensen Script Supervisor: Aubry Mackin Key PA: Bethany Duffy Director of Photography/Cam Op: Tanner Jackson 1st AC: Brandon LeBaron 2nd AC: Kaitlyn Nelson Camera PA: Micah Brown DIT: Danny White Gaffer: Tenzin Lazerson Key Grip: Max Wenham Best Boy Electric: Joseph Larsen Dolly Grip: Jensen Walker Lighting Team: Ben Thornock, Anna Nate, Parker Gailbraith, Brayden Fielding, Samuel Thomas Production Designer: Furat WddaCostume Designer: Aubry Mackin Hair & Make-Up: Alainna Van Haren Art/HMU Assistant: Ariela Hernandez Set Costumers / Art Assistants: Riley Rawson, Abe Tullis, Joel Garcia, Jill Jackson Food Stylist: Brooklyn Staten Food Stylist Assistant: Shannelle Yick PAs: Taylor Slade, Macie Thelin Location Sound Mix: Kyland Ochsenbein Location Boom Op: Maren Edwards Editor: Taylor Ballard Composer: Asa Draney Sound Editor: Chance Anderson Colorist: Tyler Roth, Company 3Storyboard Artist: Shannelle YickDeaf Community Consultants: Allison Dunaway, Kilee AshtonASL Interpreters: Ku Mei Kern, Sophia Coverston, Jeffrey Pollock Faculty Advisors: Jeff Sheets, Pat Doyle Featuring: Jo Strong, Shay Hancock, Destini McKee, Dallin Smuin, Alana Kern BTS Producer/ DP / Editor: Logan Gardner BTS Assistant Producer: Tori Dudley BTS 1st AC / Colorist: Kyle GilmourBTS Still Photographers: Trevor Houser & Peter Haraguchi BTS Location Sound Mix: Jeff Yi
Social Media Managers: Audrey Norman & Emma Kate Calvin

2024 Red Ribbon Grand Prize Winners
& Cinemark Fan Favorite Award

Signs of Friendship

The Making Of: Signs of Friendship

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