
You only die once. After helps people pre-plan funerals that are as unique as they are. YODO!

You only die once. After helps people pre-plan funerals that are as unique as they are. YODO!

360 campaign


Pinterest is the place to pre-plan. We have wedding boards, why not funeral boards?

An in-app pop-up will invite users to start a funeral planning board or get inspiration for one.

A blank funeral board will also appear on users' personal profiles to encourage them to get pre-planning.

These boards will connect to and be a useful tool in the pre-planning process.

In addition to curating their own inspo boards, AFTER will follow other users' boards to make them visible on their account.

Ads in users' feeds will also encourage pre-planning.



Director + WRITER: Mia Shumway

Director of Photography: Joseph Larsen

Art Direction: Emma Kate Calvin & Carly Garrett

Producer: Adam Sheets

VFX: Porter Christensen

this is me with my husband's chicken that i stole for this shoot without asking. sorry zach love you!!!!!!!

i will do anything for a shoot. even if that involves sawing a PVC pipe in my in law's backyard.

btw, turned that bad boy into a firework:

how many people can say they threw a mosh pit in a funeral home their senior year of college? well at least one. it's me!

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