I’M EMMA KATE! my favorite color is red (can you tell?), i'm pretty sure i'm 92% diet coke, i use exclamation marks more than the average person, and i could talk to anyone about my newest obession: survivor.

tbh you should
probably know
this about me:
I'm not embarrassed to say I'm from Utah—how could I be when it also gave us the single greatest TV show, Real Housewives of Salt Lake City? No, I’m not being sarcastic. You will find me parked in front of the TV every Wednesday at 10 PM watching the new episode. I actually invited all of them to my wedding last August and was genuinely disappointed when not a single one showed up.
I want to be a runner, but right now, my relationship with running is mostly aspirational. I love the idea of it, I love buying running shoes, and I love making a playlist—but actually running? TBD.
If I was a tv show character I would be a mix of Leslie from Parks and Rec + Cam from Modern Family. No further explantation at this time.
I've been told I drive like "a bat out of hell." Not totally sure what that means, but I’ve never gotten a speeding ticket—so take that! I do love my Crosstrek, and I’ll always find the Subaru stereotypes hilarious.
I can pound a pumpkin pie. Even in the middle of July.
Here is a cool video of me doing a stupid trick on my skis!
To be so transparent: I am always on Do Not Disturb. Like— you'll have to call me twice for it to go through. I think it helps for me to not get distracted by every notifcation, but it really drives my mom nuts!
The greatest trilogy ever made is Cars. Sue me! Have you seen the second movie???
Halloween is my favorite holiday because it’s the one day a year where dressing up in a costume is socially acceptable—and I plan to take full advantage for as long as possible. Here are some favorites from over the years!

I stress bake. It's super awesome to be friends with me because I am stressed quite often. My homemade oreos have caused some to fall in love with me (@my husband)